We recommend that you review below product videos before. A final product is only as good as the components that go into it!

Understand innovative MSX technologies. Understand exciting product design. Understand functionality and at the same time genuine, long-lasting product value! play black down

The 100% waterproof, 100% dustproof Panniers - / Lowrider bags
The SLR 55 MX!

The great life of a waterproof Pannier?  The elements are in balance!  Superior design, whereby precision is brought to the extreme.
Or how do you recognize an Icon?
Explorers are believing: The perfect synthesis of intelligent German craftsmanship and creative Design Skills!

The 100% waterproof, 100% dustproof BackPack
The BackPack 48° Degree!

Technical function-film regarding the practical roll closure as top loader with roll adjustment. Shows the awesome  PLUS  MINUS MagnetModul-Technology (MSX - System) installed at top-closure. A particularly innovative sealing solution. Physically and technically superior to conventional buckle systems.

The 100% waterproof Handlebar Bag.  The CLS 55 MX!

We`ve packed many great features into the CLS 55 MX. PLUS  MINUS MagnetModul-Technology (MSX - System) – Intelligent, powerful magnetic force! Modularly built with the closing/opening construction of cover and bag body makes technical features particularly smart exploitable. Allows easy single-handed operation of the bag cover. Optional for right- or left-handers freely adjustable. Important if you have need to access the contents of the bag quickly. Exciting already at first glance!

In a word: Superior technology and great features in a technical movie great visualized!

QuickLock-Module "OneTouch-System V8" (OTS-V8)!

The MSX Technology defines the ease of operation of QuickLock-Systems, especially on waterproof pannier bags for bicycles completely NEW!  The perfect synthesis of intelligent German craftsmanship and expressive German design. Technical Construction and Design made by MSX-Germany - Assembled by MSX-China.


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