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A journey from one island to the other. Elliot and Mayu

2island travellers / Elliot and Mayu
2island travellers / Elliot and Mayu copyright© 2island travellers

Elliot and Mayu are a couple from either side of the world. From the islands of Japan to the islands of the British isles. We started travelling together by bicycle in 2015 from our home in South Africa to Elliot’s parents home in England. Enjoying all the welcoming homes in-between. Now we are heading for Mayu’s parents home in Japan.

It’s been a none stop learning experience. About self, each other and the cultures we become immersed in. Travelling this way feels so complete, understanding the way the landscape changes, feeling the warmth of the people as you pass them. Taking in all the sights, sounds and smells. Nothing is left out. Already the memories of South Africa to England feel like a lucid dream we once had. Now we are preparing ourselves once more to pedal again, trying to stay awake as much as we can.

Once we broke through the physical and mental challenges of covering large distances by bicycle, it morphed into a way of life. A place where we felt comfortable, our routine. However not in the mundane sense. The routine only repeats in sense of packing panniers, and pedalling all day, but everything else differs. Who will we meet? What will we see? What emotions will we experience? All these factors keep us entertained and push our motivation to keep going forward.

See you on the road . . .


mehr information [....]  Mayu & Elliot @ 2islandtravellers